God of New Beginnings
Introduction As we start the new year, we hear of new beginnings. Even though its a new year, we quickly are back in the regular rhythm of life. Wake up, go to school or work, eat in between, come home, sleep, repeat. And in some ways, we lose hope/faith or simply forget that our Lord is returning soon. And as I was thinking on this, I’ve been meditating on Isaiah 51.
God of Unfathomable Riches
Ephesians Chapter 3:8 He is the God of Unfathomable treasures, so what are those unfathomable treasures? We read about some of them in Chapter 1.
v3 - He is giving us every spiritual blessing.
v6 - He has given and freely bestowed on us his grace.
v7 - We have redemption through his blood. We have forgiveness of our sins.
v8 - Again talks about how he has lavished us with his grace.
Evolution Of This Site
I have recently started to use Hugo to develop this website. This site originally started as a WordPress site and originally developed by the publisher of my book Pearls of Wisdom Stories. Since I had to manage the site on my own, I exported the site to my own WordPress site hosted on AwardSpace, a free hosting platform. This worked out great but then I wanted to hook in Google Analytics to see site traffic.