God of Unfathomable Riches
- 2 minutes read - 273 words-
- Inspirations
Ephesians Chapter 3:8 He is the God of Unfathomable treasures, so what are those unfathomable treasures? We read about some of them in Chapter 1.
v3 - He is giving us every spiritual blessing.
v6 - He has given and freely bestowed on us his grace.
v7 - We have redemption through his blood. We have forgiveness of our sins.
v8 - Again talks about how he has lavished us with his grace.
v9 - He has made known to us the mystery of his will.
v11 - We have a inheritance.
v13 - We have been sealed in hymn by the Holy Spirit
v14 - He is given to us as a pledge, the Holy Spirit
v17 - There are even more things that we can receive, including the spirit of wisdom and revelation of the knowledge of God
v18 - That we may know the hope of his calling that we may know what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance
v19 - And no what is the surpassing greatness of his power. This is the same power that raised Christ from the dead, which is spoken about in verse 20
Why is God making these treasures available to us? There are many reasons, but Paul specifically is talking about setting up of the Church - the administration. Not the church as in your local church, but the Church as a whole - the global Church.
In v10 - Paul writes “That we may know the administration that he is putting together with Christ as the head and everything else under him”.
Christ is the head of the Church!
- Holy Spirit