Posts regarding “Inspirations”
Matters of the Heart
Once the tribes of Israel had settled down in the Promised Land, they became unsettled on who would rule over them in the new land. They demanded a king even though the King of Kings had led the tribes of Israel from Egypt into the Promised Land. He had led them through 40 different camps in the wilderness over 40 years. God had provided for them during the day and the night.
Bread In Our Hands: Faith In Jesus
In Mark chapter 6, we see the miracle of Jesus walking on the water. There is an interesting commentary there by Mark - Mark 6:52 " for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened." When Jesus walked on the water and then calms the seas, the disciples were astonished. They were surprised because Jesus was going beyond their expectations or comprehension of the physical world. And in that moment, Mark makes a comment that they did not understand about Jesus or his ministry.
God of New Beginnings
Introduction As we start the new year, we hear of new beginnings. Even though its a new year, we quickly are back in the regular rhythm of life. Wake up, go to school or work, eat in between, come home, sleep, repeat. And in some ways, we lose hope/faith or simply forget that our Lord is returning soon. And as I was thinking on this, I’ve been meditating on Isaiah 51.
God of Unfathomable Riches
Ephesians Chapter 3:8 He is the God of Unfathomable treasures, so what are those unfathomable treasures? We read about some of them in Chapter 1.
v3 - He is giving us every spiritual blessing.
v6 - He has given and freely bestowed on us his grace.
v7 - We have redemption through his blood. We have forgiveness of our sins.
v8 - Again talks about how he has lavished us with his grace.
Love God Love Others
Song of Solomon 8:6,7.
Now as you turn to that, you maybe thinking what message can come out of this poem. I do believe that all the books are important and are edifying to our soul especially if we read it through the eyes of God.
This book is supposedly written by Solomon. Another name of the book is “Song of Songs” …meaning of all the songs ever composed, this is the top, the best song.